Monday, 31 May 2010

Lack Of Posting

Hey, sorry I haven't been posting recently, I've been going through a stage of being bored with the Sims. I know, terrible, but it happens with me, sadly. Life comes back and I notice what I've been missing. So after a break from The Sims, I think I'm coming back.

I cannot wait for Ambitions! Haven't payed my smackaroonies for it yet (you're proabably thinking WTF at me now), becuase I'm skintos, and plus I wanna see if it's a load of EA Epic Fails which I will never play again, (just like WA - It's going on eBay soon, methinks) or just plain amazing. I'm 99.9% sure it's gonna be brilliant, but I like to make sure and see what peeps are saying about it.

I thinks now I'm gonna play and get on with a couple of projectos, (The Apocalypse, Temptations, and my planned Scouting For Girls Simselves), and if I get far enough on 'em, I'll update.



  1. Glad you're back! You don't have to just blog about Sims though, I blog about all sorts of crap! XD

  2. Hehe, I should do that more often! XD

  3. Jess has a very valid point there, Turtle xD
    I post about random crap too - tis rather fun =D
